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Dec. 15, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Dec. 15, 2014  -- Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
Larry Greene, Road Advisory Committee members came in to update selectmen and submitted a “Six-Year Road Plan” using town funds of $225,000 to $350,000 plus $347,401 state Chapter 90 funds. He pointed out that winning the MassWorks Grant was a huge help, for the Route 140 reconstruction project now being planned. The grant was available only to towns under pop. 7,000 and Princeton received 20 percent of the total $5 million awarded. Mr. Greene went through the Six-Year Plan and explained details of each year’s highlights. He reported that permitting is underway for the Route 140 project and tree removal should be done this spring to be followed by utility-pole moving.
6:27  Selectmen met with Fire Chief John Bennett who will be out on medical leave until Jan. 5, with Tim Kelly to serve as acting chief. He submitted a “Report To Selectmen Dec. 15, 2014” outlining grants, inspections, Senior Safe, call statistics and equipment upgrades. He and Mr. Kelly and Andy Dufresne gave a demonstration of a CPR machine for field use that can provide uninterrupted action on a victim’s heart. They also presented—outside the door--a new off road utility four-wheeler that the FD was given (by an anonymous donor) along with a Stokes basket [gurney] on a trailer towed by the 4-wheeler, which the FD purchased. This rig had been used several times in recent months to rescue injured hikers and was much more fast and efficient than emergency personnel walking a stretcher out of the woods, Bennett noted. Tim Kelly also reported that Harrington Farm had reached an agreement with state code officials regarding sprinkler systems, and John Bomba is instituting a “crowd manager” system as an alternative to sprinkling the property.
        The selectmen voted all in favor to sign an agreement with Harrington Farm regarding this alternative to sprinklers.
The group discussed adding Fire Department administrative support, up to 15 hours/week, funded until June 30 with $20,000 previously appropriated for the transition of dispatch to the regional facility in Holden. On-site staff is needed to process FD documents, although various FD permits will become available online, starting with “burn” permits as of mid-January.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve using Regional Dispatch Transition monies to fund administrative support for the balance of FY’15. After June 30 it would be worked into the FD budget.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve and sign (annual) auto dealer licenses for Princeton Enterprises; SZ Auto and Chris Goodnow Auto Sales.
7:15 PM  Selectmen received a report from the Facilities Study Designer Selection Committee, which had reviewed proposals from three design/architecture firms. They recommended HKT Architects to conduct a facilities study of town-owned properties to help town officials prioritize tasks and assign resources.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to enlist HKT for a facilities study and to authorize John L. to seek fee proposals and start contract negotiations with HKT.
        John L. didn’t receive a new agreement from Wachusett Greenways Recycling Center/Collection Program in time for consideration at the meeting. It’s due for renewal after five years and is expected to stay the same in content. The regional recycling program includes the five Wachusett towns plus West Boylston and Boylston. Selectmen voted all in favor to sign a five-year extension of the agreement with Wachusett Greenways and sign it individually when it arrives.
7:35 PM  Selectmen reviewed BOS Goals that were set six months ago. In reviewing accomplishments, they’ve gotten started on a facilities study; almost completed (90%) the regional dispatch center; have adopted almost all relevant recommendations from the town’s auditors and can credit the Road Advisory Committee as an ongoing success. Several other goals will depend on results of the facilities study, including Princeton Center and the Town Hall campus. It was noted that Princeton has been very aggressive in seeking regional solutions, and that the top three goals were initiated and almost completed within the first six months.
7:55 PM  Town Administrator Review process was initiated  with forms to fill out by selectmen and samples from the previous evaluation. Selectmen agreed to get the documents into the office by Jan. 19 in time for the BOS meeting on Jan. 26.
        Selectmen received notice from DCR regarding land interest on a .45 acre parcel at the Hubbardston line near Old Colony Road. Selectmen voted all in favor to acknowledge that the land transfer was announced publically (a state requirement) and that John L. was authorized to waive the 120-day notice period for the land transfer if one were requested.
8:05 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to sign certificates to renew/approve liquor licenses for Mountainside Market; Mountain Barn; Nimrod League; Sonoma; Thirsty Lab; Norco Sportsmans’ Club; QuikStop & Harrington Farm

Old Business
Regarding a scheduled Phil Connors nuisance dog hearing follow up, John L. reported that Mr. Connors had appealed their decision and all orders are on “hold.”

Other Business
8:12 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve correction of a typo in Nov. 17, 2014 minutes for term of appointment of Bonnie Schmohl to read “June 30, 2015.”
        Stan reported on the in-town “Wreaths Across America” ceremony, in which T.P. School students and other groups collected wreaths and placed them at veterans’ graves.

Neil S. read a letter from town clerk praising Phil Connors for his help during the recent election.

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Dec. 1
They reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #12

8:30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:   Road Advisory Committee Six-Year Road Plan / Report; Fire Department Report; Facilities Study Designer Selection Committee Report; 2013 List of BOS Goals; 2013 T.A. Evaluation; DCR letter and docs; liquor licenses; auto dealer licenses; letter from town clerk.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department